So much is going on in the garden right now, it is quite impressive to me! Over the past seven months, I have spent so many hours building all of the structures of the garden, planting, and taking care of the new garden. I am hoping to get to a point where I can just be planting, managing, and harvesting. Oh, and producing content of course! For now, I am just happy with the progress.
Unfortunately, I broke my elbow last month. This has really made it horribly difficult to keep up with everything that I had planned. Typically, this is not the time of year to really be doing too much in my garden here in Southwest Florida, zone 10a. Regardless, I did have quite a bit planned for not only now but for the fall. Depending on how things go, I may not get to do much of it. Still, I am grateful for what I can still do.
One of the most impressive things in the garden is the luffa! I am always so in awe of how, with just a couple of seeds, it can totally take over! This is just the start of it and it is really taking off already. Completely climbing all over the 14′ wide double arch that I put up. It’s so beautiful, in fact, it’s GOURD-JUS!
The okra is doing quite well also. So are the peppers, eggplants, sunflowers, and passionfruit! Despite the incredible heat, these things are, thankfully–unstoppable! This is not to say that there aren’t challenges, however. Next post, I will address all of the insane pest pressure that I am encountering in my garden, and how I am keeping them (for the most part) at bay.
For now, I’m just grateful that everything is doing as well as it has been. I haven’t been able to spend quite as much time lately on the maintenance due to my arm. This has definitely caused some problems. Despite the fact that I have been less attentive than I would like, so much is doing so well! Including my sweet potatoes! At least the vines are doing super well. This is my first year growing them…I cannot wait to see how they turn out! Additionally, I have been creating a new “zone” in the garden and it is really turning out to be quite amazing! More to come! Happy Gardening!